Have been wondering what to put on my blog for a few days as I don't seem to be doing anything very exciting, reading anything much (haven't had much time to read from my books) or think anything very exciting. As I was thinking about this I realised that it is probably because my days are filled with so much other 'stuff' - not very exciting stuff, but the things that need doing like making dinners, washing, clearing up, cleaning...and then there's work.
One thing that keeps us all on our toes in our house, and is the source of much amusement is Brewster our lovely and mildly mad black cat. At the moment he's being silly about his food, so after a full day at work, dash to collect Michael from clarinet lesson, pick up the ironing from Jane (one bit of light relief, I have someone to do my ironing!), and call in at the chippy for tea, I then went to Sainsburys to see if I could find some new cat food that our beloved cat might like. We're trying him on a new brand, so hope it works!
hat's a very sunny picture - was it taken today??!
no! didn't have time for that as well!!!!
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