Thursday, 19 April 2007

Alt worship at the Ascension

The Church of the Ascension are doing another of their alt worship services. This one on 29th April, focusing on communion. They're inviting young people from local churches to attend again, and seem to be focusing their alternative worship services as youth services rather than just alternative worship for anyone - although anyone is welcome to go along.

Saturday, 14 April 2007

birthday celebrations take two

Well, this being 40 lark is quite good - I've had another night of celebrating this week, with thanks to the 'girls'!
We took to an eating place in Haywards Heath and they took to suitably embarrassing me in public by singing happy birthday twice in the packed restaurant, once as a large cake bearing sparklers in the shape of '40' was produced, and once for no reason whatsoever! They adorned me with some sort of garland to wear around my neck which was so itchy it nearly caused a rash, and sat me under a 'Birthday Girl' helium balloon. As they said, though, this was mild embarrassment, and I tend to agree - they were kind.
A great night, and one I shall remember for a long time - to go with the 'other' night on my actual birthday which will also be remembered for a long time.
Surely this marks the end of celebrations...and the beginning of writing all those thank you notes.

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

A lot has happened over the last few weeks. Most significant perhaps is the fact that I turned 40! Pete and John had arranged a surprise - a meal out at the Savoy followed by a show - Stomp - with Pete, Michael, Jess, John and Daphne. Thanks everyone for making it so special!
My own 'treat' had been to book a family holiday on Holy Island, Northumbria for a week's break. It's one of my favourite places to visit. Many people go to Holy Island on retreat, thousands of others flock there when the tide is out to see the sights (Holy Island is attached to the mainland by causeway, cut off twice a day by the tide). I really enjoy staying there, the island is so different when the tide is in and the place becomes an island, and although I've not been on 'retreat' I always gain so much from being there and taking time to ponder on the spiritual heritage of the place. One of the highlights of this visit was taking part in a pilgrimage walk across the causeway on Palm Sunday with St Mary's Church. There were only 5 of us who took part so just as well Michael and I joined in really, and we felt most welcome by the local church. It was quite an experience being welcomed onto the island by a group of Christians (on retreat) who hadn't done the walk but gathered to worship and greet us. I wonder if Cuthbert had such a welcome party when he arrived?